Groups with DDE Transposases
DDE enzymes, so-called
because of a conserved Asp, Asp, Glu triad of amino acids which coordinate
essential metal ions, use OH (e.g. H20) as a nucleophile in a
transesterification reaction (Mizuuchi &
Baker, 2002, Hickman & Dyda, 2015) (Figs 1.7.1 and 1.8.1).
IS with DDE enzymes are the most abundant type
in the public databases (Fig 1.4.2). This is partly due to the fact that the
definition of an IS became implicitly coupled to the presence of a DDE Tpase,
an idea probably reinforced by the similarity between Tpases of IS (and other
TE) and the retroviral integrases (Fig. 1.8.1) (Fayet, et al., 1990, Khan, et al., 1991, Kulkosky, et
al., 1992) particularly in the region including the catalytic site.
More precisely, for these TE, the triad is DD(35)E in which the second D and E
are separated by 35 residues. As more DDE transposases were identified, the
distance separating the D and E residues was found to vary slightly (Table
2: MGE transposases examined using secondary structure prediction programmes) (Hickman, et al., 2010). However, for
certain IS, this distance was significantly larger. In these cases, the Tpases include
an "insertion domain" between the second D and E residues (Hickman, et al.,
2010) with either α-helical or β-strand configurations (Fig 1.8.3). Although in most cases this is a
prediction, it has been confirmed by crystallographic studies for the IS50 [β-strand; (Davies, et al., 1999)] and Hermes [α-helical; (Hickman, et al., 2005)] Tpases. The
function of these "insertion domains" is not entirely clear (Hickman, et al.,
Although DDE-type transposons share basic transposition
chemistry, different TE vary in the steps leading to formation of a unique
insertion intermediate (Fig 1.8.2) (Hickman, et al., 2010, Hickman & Dyda,
2015). They catalyze cleavage of a single DNA strand to generate a 3'OH
at the TE ends which is subsequently used as a nucleophile to attack the DNA
target phosphate backbone. This is known as the transferred strand. The
variations are due to the way in which the second (non-transferred) strand is
processed (Turlan & Chandler, 2000, Curcio
& Derbyshire, 2003). There are several ways in which second strand
processing can occur (Fig 1.8.2): for certain IS, the second strand is not
cleaved but replication following transfer of the first strand fuses donor and
target molecules to generate cointegrates with a directly repeated copy at each
donor/target junction. This is known as replicative transposition (e.g. IS6,
Tn3) or more precisely, Target Primed Replicative Transposition (TPRT) (Fig 1.8.2 pathway a). In the
other pathways, the flanking donor DNA can be shed in several different ways: the
non-transferred strand may be cleaved initially several bases within the IS
prior to cleavage of the transferred strand [e.g. IS630 and Tc1;(Plasterk, 1996, Feng & Colloms, 2007)]. (Fig 1.8.2 pathway d); the 3'OH
generated by first strand cleavage may be used to attack the second strand to
form a hairpin structure at the IS ends liberating the IS from flanking DNA and
subsequently hydrolyzed to regenerate the 3'OH known as conservative or
cut-and-paste transposition (e.g. IS4; (Haniford
& Ellis, 2015)(Fig 1.8.2 pathway f)(IS4.4; IS4.5; IS4.6; IS4.7); the 3'OH of the
transferred strand from one IS end may attack the other to generate a donor
molecule with a single strand bridge which is then replicated to produce a
double strand transposon circle intermediate and regenerating the original
donor molecule known as copy-paste or more precisely Donor Primed Replicative
Transposition (DPRT) (e.g. IS3; (Chandler, et al., 2015)(Fig 1.8.2 pathway e)(IS911
movie); or the 3'OH
at the flank of the non-transferred strand may attack the second strand to form
a hairpin on the flanking DNA and a 3'OH on the transferred strand (at present
this has only been demonstrated for eukaryotic TE of the hAT family and in
V(D)J recombination (Zhou, et al., 2004)) (Fig 1.8.2 pathway g). Clearly, many families produce
double-strand circular intermediates but this does not necessarily mean that
they all use the copy-paste DPRT mechanism
since a circle could formally be generated by excision involving recombination
of both strands (Hickman & Dyda, 2015). These differences are reflected in
the different IS families.
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