Programmed translational
A second mechanism acts at the level of translation
elongation and involves programmed translational frameshifting between two
consecutive open reading frames (Fig 1.33.1). Typically a -1 frameshift is observed in which
the translating ribosome slides one base upstream and resumes in the
alternative phase. This generally occurs at the position of so-called slippery
codons in a heptanucleotide sequence of the type X XXZ ZZN in phase 0 (where
the bases paired with the anticodon are shown as
triplets) which is read as XXX ZZZ N in the shifted -1 phase (Fig 1.33.1) (see e.g. (Chandler & Fayet, 1993), (Farabaugh, 1996, Farabaugh, 1997), (Gesteland & Atkins, 1996), The
sequence A AAA AAG is a common example of this type of heptanucleotide.
Ribosomal shifting of this type is stimulated by structures in the mRNA which
tend to impede the progression of the ribosome such as potential ribosome
binding sites upstream or secondary structures (stem-loop structures and
pseudoknots) downstream of the slippery codons (Farabaugh,
1997). Translational control of transposition by frameshifting has been
demonstrated both for IS1 (Sekine & Ohtsubo, 1989`) (Escoubas, et al., 1991), and for
members of the IS3 family (Fig 1.33.2) ((Polard, et al.,
1991); see also (Chandler & Fayet, 1993) (Fayet & Prère, 2010)) but may
also occur in several other IS elements (see for example IS5 and IS630 families). For IS1 and members of the IS3 family, the upstream frame appears
to carry a DNA recognition domain whereas the downstream frame encodes the
catalytic site. While the product of the upstream frame alone
acts as a modulator of activity, presumably by binding to the IR sequences,
frameshifting assembles both domains into a single protein, the Tpase, which
directs the cleavages and strand transfer necessary for mobility of the
element. The frameshifting frequency is thus critical in determining overall
transposition activity. Although it has yet to be explored in detail,
frameshifting could be influenced by host physiology thus coupling
transposition activity to the state of the host cell.
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