General features and properties of insertion sequence elements

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Transposase expression and activity

While many of the classical mechanisms of controlling gene expression, such as the production of transcriptional repressors (IS1: (Machida & Machida, 1989`) (Escoubas, et al., 1991); IS2: (Hu, et al., 1994) or translational inhibitors (anti-sense RNA in the case of IS10; see (Kleckner, et al., 1996) are known to operate in Tpase expression, several other mechanisms have also been uncovered.

    References :
  • Escoubas JM, Prere MF, Fayet O, Salvignol I, Galas D, Zerbib D & Chandler M (1991) Translational control of transposition activity of the bacterial insertion sequence IS1. Embo J 10: 705-712.
  • Hu ST, Hwang JH, Lee LC, Lee CH, Li PL & Hsieh YC (1994) Functional analysis of the 14 kDa protein of insertion sequence 2. J Mol.Biol. 236: 503-513.
  • Kleckner N, Chalmers RM, Kwon D, Sakai J & Bolland S (1996) Tn10 and IS10 Transposition and Chromosome Rearrangements: Mechanisms and Regulation in Vivo and In Vitro. Transposable elements,(Saedler H & Gierl A, ed.eds.), p.pp. 49-82. Springer, Heidelberg.
  • Machida C & Machida Y (1989) Regulation of IS1 transposition by the insA gene product. J Mol.Biol. 208: 567-574.