General features and properties of insertion sequence elements

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Terminal inverted repeats

With several notable exceptions (the IS91, IS110 and IS200/IS605 families; Table 1) the majority of ISs exhibit short terminal IR of between 10 and 40 bp. In those cases examined experimentally, the IRs can be divided into two functional domains (Fig 1.26.1). Domain "b" includes the two or three terminal base pairs (Fig 1.26.1), and is involved in the cleavages and strand transfer reactions leading to transposition of the element. Domain "a" is positioned within the IR and is involved in Tpase binding (Derbyshire & Grindley, 1996), (Derbyshire, et al., 1990), (Huisman, et al., 1989), (Johnson & Reznikoff, 1983), (Makris, et al., 1988), (Zerbib, et al., 1990), (Normand, et al., 2001). A similar organisation has also been proposed for the transposon Tn3(Ichikawa, et al., 1990) and for the related gd transposon (May & Grindley, 1995). The simple single terminal Tpase binding sites of ISs are to be contrasted with the multiple and asymmetric protein binding sites observed in the case of bacteriophage Mu (Craigie, et al., 1984) and transposons Tn7 (Craig, 1996), and probably Tn552 (Rowland & Dyke, 1990),(Rowland, et al., 1995). Multiple protein binding sites are also a characteristic of the complex En/Spm and Ac elements of maize (see(Gierl, 1996), (Kunze, 1996) (Fig 1.26.2). It is worth noting that members of the IS21 family also carry multiple repeated sequences at both ends which may also represent Tpase binding sites (Berger, et al., 2001), (Mahillon & Chandler, 1998).By accommodating different binding patterns at each end, such an arrangement can provide a functional distinction between the ends either in the assembly or in the activity of the synaptic complex. In addition, indigenous IS promoters are often located partially within the IR sequence upstream of the Tpase gene, by convention IRL. This arrangement may provide a mechanism for autoregulation of Tpase synthesis by Tpase binding. Binding sites for host specified proteins are also often found within or close to the terminal IRs and these proteins may play a role in modulating transposition activity or Tpase expression.

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