General features and properties of insertion sequence elements

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IS derivatives of Tn3 family transposons.

Another source of ambiguity for classification purposes occurs in the Tn3 family (Nicolas, et al., 2015) (Figs 1.15.1 and 1.15.2). Tn3 family members are quite variable. They include a number of diverse passenger genes which can represent entire operons, notably mercury resistance, or individual genes involved in antibiotic resistance, breakdown of halogenated aromatics or virulence [e.g. (Liebert, et al., 1999)]. They often carry integron recombination platforms enabling them to incorporate additional resistance genes by recruiting integron cassettes (Mazel, 2006). Members are quite characteristic: they have long relatively well conserved IR and a particularly long Tpase (950 to 1025 aa). They also encode a site-specific recombination ("resolution") system necessary for completion of their transposition (Nicolas, et al., 2015). There are a number of different resolution systems associated with different members of this family (Fig 1.15.2) IS1071, (Fig 1.15.1) composed of Tn3-like IR and Tpase gene but lacking both the site-specific recombination system and passenger genes was identified many years ago (Nakatsu, et al., 1991). This clearly accords with the definition of an IS. Several other examples have now been identified (e.g. ISVsa19, ISShfr9, ISBusp1).

    References :
  • Liebert CA, Hall RM & Summers AO (1999) Transposon Tn21, Flagship of the Floating Genome. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 63: 507-522.
  • Mazel D (2006) Integrons: agents of bacterial evolution. Nat Rev Microbiol 4: 608-620.
  • Nakatsu C, Ng J, Singh R, Straus N & Wyndham C (1991) Chlorobenzoate catabolic transposon Tn5271 is a composite class I element with flanking class II insertion sequences. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. 88: 8312-8316.
  • Nicolas E, Lambin M, Dandoy D, Galloy C, Nguyen N, Oger CA & Hallet B (2015) The Tn3-family of Replicative Transposons. Microbiol Spectr 3.